Serra da Mesa – Governador Mangabeira TL – Southeast Northeast Interconnection

Inepar Energia S.A. and Enelpower S.p.A.

Competitive bidding process called by ANEEL (the National Electric Energy Agency) for the implementation and operation of the Serra do Mar transmission line. We provided legal advice in the bidding phase (including the pre-bidding phase, the definition in the association of interests between the parties, and the respective contract; and assistance in preparing the proposal).

With the adjudication of the object to clients, our Law Firm provided assistance during the negotiation phase of contracts with the granting authority, such as: constitution of the SPC (specific purpose company – TSN – Transmissora Sudeste Nordeste S.A.), the concession contract, the TSC (Transmission System Contracts), TSPC (Transmission Service Provision Contracts).

Furthermore, we provided consulting services in the preparation and execution of the turnkey EPC contract, and other agreements and contracts related to the long-term financing of the project (project finance).

Finally, our law firm provided assistance to the Client in the process of selling its participation in the project.