Fundão Santa Clara – Power Complex

Elejor - Centrais Elétricas do Rio Jordão S.A./ Copel Participações S.A and Paineira Participações e Empreendimentos Ltda.

Broad legal assistance to clients, especially regarding regulatory issues as well as in all issues regarding the implementation of the enterprise, including:

  • Turnkey EPC contract;
  • Power Purchase Agreement – PPA;
  • Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement;
  • Joint assistance with the financial consultants;
  • Owner’s engineering services contract;
  • Financing agreement with Eletrobrás – Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras SA;
  • Preparation of articles of organization, including shareholders’ agreements;
  • Assistance in getting a long-term financing with BNDESPAR;
  • Official opinions regarding the concession agreement and the applicable regulation.

Our Law Firm also provided Elejor with all necessary assistance regarding the relationship between an IPP (Independent Power Producer) and the ANEEL (National Electric Power Agency – the sectoral regulating agency).